Vishnu M

Author Archives: Vishnu M

Amorphous being


Goddess Hecate and her Magickal Wisdom

Goddess Hecate is the personification of Magick, darkness, the crossroads and anything that is mysterious. She is both the mystery itself,  and holds the key to the mysteries. Anyone involved in the exploration of the esoteric pays homage to her, knowingly or unknowingly. In this article, we shall explore the magickal wisdom of the goddess and […]

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The Elements of the Universe

You have likely heard the words “Elements” or “Tattwas” thrown around in esoteric circles. However, what are they exactly? Quick Navigation The Foundations of the Four ElementsThe Elements, Your Psyche (Mind) and Your NatureThe law of analogy and how the physical world can affect your mental world, described in terms of elementsAstrology, Temporal Elements and […]

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Crystal Balls: How to use a Crystal ball [GUIDE]

Anyone interested in the workings and exploration of the human psyche will find crystal balls an invaluable tool, regardless of whether or not there is a belief in occult and magick. So what exactly are crystal balls? How to use them? Do Crystal balls actually work? We shall attempt to answer these questions in this article. […]

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Ritual Robes: Significance & Guide to Adornment

Ritual Robes are garments adorned for the purpose of performing various kinds of magickal works. This includes during traditional solo ceremonial rituals, group rituals of an order or a coven, dream working, and also during access of other types of altered states of consciousness for various magickal and divination work. It usually consists of a robe, […]

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Idol worship &Idolatry: A meta-psychology for transcendence

Human-kind has been practicing idol worship and Idolatry from at least the upper paleolithic era, according to known evidence. Even if there were no sculptures erected and consecrated in certain cultures (think of certain shamanistic and nomadic tribal cultures), personalization of aspects of the universe into communicable forms as deities or spirits were still utilized dating […]

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